You experience the game as one of seven different vampire clans, who have different vampiric powers, and you can play Bloodlines like a shooter, a stealth game, a hack’n’slash or for a good part even as an adventure game, solving many situations without force, but by lock-picking, hacking, persuading, intimidating or seducing people. The game manages to do the impossible, merging classic RPG gameplay with modern FPS visuals. What’s so great about VtM:Bloodlines? A lot of things, ranging from the overall storyline to minor details.

However, over time it became a cult classic. The game was created using an early build of Valve’s Source engine, was rushed out by Activision and suffered heavily from being released in the same day as Half-Life 2, resulting in numerous bugs and weak sales. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines was the third and final RPG from Troika Games, the company founded by the Fallout veterans Leonard Boyarsky, Tim Cain and Jason Anderson. Characters are the protagonists of their own game, from their perspective.” I don’t like my NPCs to be standing around as if their lives begin when the character starts talking to them and end when the player leaves.

“I like the characters to come off like people actually do – they don’t say ‘hi’ when strangers come knocking, they say ‘who the hell are you?’ or they’re expecting you and know more then they let on, or they don’t care.